
The Junior Cycle builds on the education received at primary level and culminates with the Junior Certificate Examination.

The Junior Certificate is a three year programme. The Junior cycle also includes a number of subjects that are an important part of the curriculum, but are not formally assessed. Non-examination subjects at Junior Cycle include Physical Education and Social, Personal and Health Education (must be studied but is not examinable). Religious Education is available both as an examination and non-examination subject.

Junior Cycle

Transition Year (TY)

The Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme taken after Junior Cycle and before the two-year Leaving Certificate programme.

It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes. A Transition Year offers pupils a broad educational experience with a view to the attainment of increased maturity, before proceeding to further study and/or vocational preparation. It also provides an opportunity for pupils to reflect on develop an awareness of the value of education and training in preparing them for the ever-changing demands of the adult world of work and relationships.

The Leaving Certificate programme offers students a broad and balanced education while allowing for some specialisation.

Before entering Fifth Year, students are requested to complete a subject option form. They are asked to pick one subject from each of the four options on this form. The students take on these chosen subjects as well as Core Curricululum subjects of English, Irish and Mathematics for their Leaving Certificate Exam. Modules are also offered to our Senior Cycle students. In Fifth Year Physical Education, Choir, Careers, Philosophy and Drama are on offer. For Sixth Years Career Guidance, Physical Education, Communication and a Study Period make up the modules.

Leaving Certificate